A blog about ideas, things and 💩

Dear Aliens

Posted on July 26th, 2023 by Gerhard

I know this an unconventional thing to do, but I was thinking that if you’re monitoring us, you probably have access to our internet. Meaning, that if you do exist on or around Earth you have a very low percentage chance to read this letter. Very low, but some. Welcome to Earth, a beautiful planet […]

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Unveiling the Secrets of the North Atlantic: Is a Secret Alien Base Lurking Beneath the Waves?

Posted on August 5th, 2021 by Gerhard

The North Atlantic Ocean, beyond Bermuda, is a vast and mysterious expanse of water that has long been the subject of speculation and intrigue. However, recent reports have emerged that suggest there may be more to this area than meets the eye. According to a growing number of sources, a secret alien base is located […]

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The Theory of German Officials Escaping to Antarctica and Somehow Gaining Access to UFO Technology

Posted on March 12th, 2019 by Gerhard

The claim that German officials escaped to Antarctica before the end of World War II and acquired UFO technology is a highly controversial and unverified theory, lacking substantial evidence. However, it has found support among certain individuals. One argument presented is that towards the end of the war, the German government reportedly made efforts to […]

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